Welcome to my webpage! I’m an economist interested in game theory and mechanism design applied to the design of blockchain protocols. I also research innovation, political economy, contracts and organizations, and development economics. I’m currently a senior research economist at CoW Protocol. You can contact me at andrea@cow.fi
New paper alert: we just completed the first version of the paper Combinatorial Auctions without a Numeraire: The Case of Blockchain Trade-Intent Auctions (joint with Felix Henneke), in which we study theoretically trade-intent auctions. These auctions are combinatorial due to production complementarities between different trade intents, but lack a common numeraire to reallocate surplus. We build a theoretical model; we use it to study the most commonly used trade intent auctions and propose a novel fair combinatorial auction.
Publication alert: our paper Commitment against front running attacks (with Vincent Danos) was accepted for publication at Management Science!